
I am Yuriy of Mykolayiv City, Ukraine. I am 48 year-old, but I am very unusual person for my height, which is only 95 cm! I do not drink alcohol drinks and refrain from smoking. I have drive’s license and drive a car since 1975. I have 4,5 year-old daughter. I am married and all those costumes you may see on me were made by my wife at home!

I encourage every visitor of this www-site who was impressed with my appearance to take part in sponsoring the feature film. The movie in which I shall be in the lead will be based on my true life story, which was not easy, but very thrilling and full of exciting episodes, starting from birth up to this moment.

 Thank you in advance!

You may contact me by phone:

+38 (050) 745-71-91

+38 (097) 226-67-90

 The best way to make your donations is to transfer the money by Western Union Serbin Yuriy Ukraine. After sending money please forward me the Western Union transfer number to my e-mail:  



Or Visa card
PromInvestBank № 4779 9276 6708 3898 Yuri Serbin

Один из эпизодов моей биографии, по которой будет снят художественный фильм.


This is the part of my life-story. There will be a movie version of it.
